JSON Blob Storage API This API allows you to store, retrieve, update, and delete JSON blobs. Endpoints: GET /items Retrieve all items curl https://anotherjesse-restfuljsonblobapi.web.val.run/items GET /items/:id Retrieve a specific item curl https://anotherjesse-restfuljsonblobapi.web.val.run/items/[id] POST /items Create a new item curl -X POST https://anotherjesse-restfuljsonblobapi.web.val.run/items -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key": "value"}' PUT /items/:id Update an existing item curl -X PUT https://anotherjesse-restfuljsonblobapi.web.val.run/items/[id] -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key": "new value"}' DELETE /items/:id Delete an item curl -X DELETE https://anotherjesse-restfuljsonblobapi.web.val.run/items/[id] Replace [id] with the actual ID of the item you want to interact with.